Super Moon 1

I didn’t want to go out and photograph the super moon this week because everyone is doing it and I want my pictures to be a little different from the masses.

I finally talked myself into it though and was really glad I did because it was a cloudy night, which enabled me to get some good effects.

I especially liked the way the moon created a kind of aura effect in the clouds giving them a colourful tint!

Not my best photoshoot, but I’m trying to learn and I tried every setting under the sun (or moon) to get these shots! The difficulty was that the moon was so bright, I found it impossible to get the clouds to show up while still showing detail on the moon’s surface.

What do you think?

Super moon beats the clouds

The supermoon was so bright, even the clouds couldn’t hide it

Super moon shining through

Look at that Aura!

Super Moon

Any bigger and we’d be able to see the flag on the moon!

The finger of God?

Does that look like a finger to you?

Clear Super Moon

I love the clarity here… until you zoom in!

Cloudy super moon

This one looks almost like a vortex to me

Is this painted Super Moon

Some of the clouds looked like they were painted in

Moody super moon

Almost horror film-esque

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  1. What lens were you using?

    • This was a 75-300mm lens on my t5i. I want to get something bigger, or at least the same but better quality.

      I also messed up some of the shots by not using the remote which caused a little blur in the moon

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